Thursday, March 12, 2009

Idea for Final Project

For the final project for this class, I would like to cover the history of the Johnsons Park area. I would like to do some more research involving the area of the park that was involved in the Underground Railroad in the first half of the 19th Century. Also I would like to visually show how the Johnsons Park area has changed over time through out the past hundred years. I'd like to contact someone at JPA to see if they have any images or historical information, and maybe I could interview one of the long time residents and get their perspective on how the area has changed. I would also like to cover how the houses have changed and how the businesses have changed over time.


  1. Jake, overall a very good project description. You could perhaps focus your final project on one aspect of the community -- perhaps your research on the Underground railroad from the 19th century -- and connect this legacy to the current community (long-term residents). Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

  2. jake .... if you want i can show you how to post the pics inside your articles .. i like d the lay out we can talk in class .. no worries brotha

